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Ohio Historical Marker sign for Columbia Township, founded in 1807.


Welcome to


Lorain County, Ohio

  • Does Columbia Township have income tax?
    Columbia Township does not collect an income tax or any type of payroll tax.
  • Does Columbia Township offer no-fee paper shredding?
    Yes! Lorain County residents can drop off paper materials to be shredded during regular business hours at the Lorain County Collection Center. Download flyer below for information and details.
  • When does the Road Department chip branches?
    The Road Department chips branches during the first full week of February, April, June, August, October, and December (weather permitting). Please have branches with the widest end facing the road by 6 a.m. on Monday of the week of chipping. It is not necessary to call the Road Department or Township Office to schedule chipping.
  • Need a new driveway culvert pipe?
    TOWNSHIP ROADS: If you live on a Township road, contact the Road Department at 440-236-8862 or the Township Office at 440-236-8802. The Service Director will review your request and provide you with the cost. Installation is scheduled after the culvert pipe is paid for at the Township Office. Culvert prices are subject to change. COUNTY ROADS: If you live on a County road, contact the Lorain County Service Garage at 440-326-5880. STATE ROUTES: If you live on a State Route, contact the ODOT District 3 Service Garage at 440-774-6681.
  • How do I sign up for garbage service?
    Columbia Township does not provide garbage service. Residents are responsible for contracting with a waste provider. Three companies provide service to Columbia Township: LEGACY WASTE AND RECYCLING – 440-723-8483 REPUBLIC SERVICES – 440-458-5191 RUMPKE – 800-828-8171
  • Where can I drop off old medication and other household waste?
    Lorain County offers year-round drop-off for unused medications and other household waste materials. Download flyers below for information and details.
  • How can I lower my NEORSD bill?

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please give us a call at (440) 236-8802, 
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Township Offices

The Columbia Township Offices are located on the first floor of the Town Hall at 25496 Royalton Road, Columbia Station, OH 44028.


For any concerns or questions, please call us at (440) 236-8802.

Front view of the Columbia Town Hall.

Our History

In 1786, after the conclusion of the American Revolutionary War, the State of Connecticut ceded to the new federal government of the United State those western lands which had been part of its original royal charter, retaining only a portion in present northeastern Ohio.


Called the Western Reserve, Connecticut withheld this land as an incentive to their men who signed up to fight the British during the war. The reserve, stretching a120 miles west from the Pennsylvania line, was bounded on the north by Lake Erie and on the south by the forty-first parallel.


In the spring of 1807, a group of men from Waterbury, Connecticut pooled their funds and formed the Waterbury Land Company in order to participate in a complicated lottery to purchase an entire township in the Western Reserve. On April 4, 1807, they drew, by lot, the future “Columbia Township” southwest of Cleveland.

Black and white image of the Columbia Township Fire Department and two old-fashioned firetrucks.


Trustee Meetings

The Board of Trustees meet the 1st and 3rd Mondays of the month (except holidays) at 7:00 pm. All residents are encouraged to attend. At the end of every meeting, there is time for community input.


Office hours are Monday through Friday from 9:00 till 1:00 (except holidays). Call the township office to reserve the park pavilions. You must be a Columbia Township resident to reserve a pavilion (Driver license required).


The Columbia Township office staff looks forward to serving the local residents. They have a wealth of information regarding services that are available to Columbia residents.


Lorain County, Ohio

Logo for Columbia Township, est. 1807.



25496 Royalton Road

Columbia Station, OH 44028

(440) 236-8802

PLEASE NOTE: For all Township Transactions (Cemetery, Zoning, etc.) we accept Check or Cash, but if you are paying with Cash, you MUST have the exact amount.  We cannot give change.

 © 2022 by Columbia Township. Proudly created with iPanda Designs

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