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Mark Cunningham


(440) 387-2966

Term expires:  1/1/2027

Tony Manning


(330) 523-9674

Term expires:  12/31/2025

Dave Montante


(216) 855-0042

Term expires:  12/31/2025

Mandie Andrews

Fiscal Officer

Office:  (440) 236-8802

Term expires:  3/31/2028

Elected Officials 

Three trustees and a fiscal officer,

each elected for a four year term, administer our township.

Elected officials fill their office on a part time basis.

The Board of Trustees meet the 1st and 3rd Mondays of the month

(except holidays) at 7:00 pm.

All residents are encouraged to attend.

At the end of every meeting, there is time for community input.

Administrative Officials

The Columbia Township Offices are located on the first floor of

the Town Hall at 25496 Royalton Road, Columbia Station, OH 44028.

For any concerns or questions, please call us at (440) 236-8802.

Office hours are Monday through Friday

from 9am. till 1:00 (except holidays).

Call the township office to reserve the park pavilions. You must be a Columbia Township resident to reserve a pavilion (Driver license required).

The Columbia Township office staff looks forward to serving the local residents. They have a wealth of information regarding services that are available to Columbia residents.

Rick Lanzo

Zoning Inspector

Rita Plata

Administrative Assistant

Cemetery Sexton

(440) 236-8802

Bob Rundle

Service Department

Ray Anthony

Fire Chief

(440) 236-8812

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