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Comprehensive Plan

Steering Committee Application

Columbia Township will be completing an audit of the Zoning Plan as the township has endured significant changes over the last few years. This audit will be spearheaded by a Steering Committee of approximately twelve people who will work in conjunction with a Zoning Commission member, Trustee Manning, and an eventual planning group to be announced. The township is requesting citizen involvement throughout the process, to create a vision for the future of Columbia Township. Trustees would like to work on the selection of the committee immediately.

To be considered for the committee, we will ask for a time commitment of biweekly meetings and your responses to the following questions.
Please complete and submit the form below with your responses by the 15th of July

Applications can also be downloaded and emailed to:
Or fill out and mail to:
25496 Royalton Rd, Columbia Station, OH 44028, Attn: Tony Manning

Steering Committee Application

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